UA Local 529 - Waco
Serving the Plumbing and Piping Needs of the Greater Waco Area

About Local 529 - Waco

The members of UA Local 529 are professionals who are highly trained and highly skilled in the fields of process piping, steam, hot water, refrigeration, air conditioning, medical gas, boilers, pipe fabrication, hydraulics, controls, all welding processes, HVAC service, energy management, rigging, drafting/CAD drawing and industrial instrumentation.
UA Local 529 members are provided high quality benefits for themselves and their families. From the first day as members, these tradesmen and tradeswomen are afforded a livable wage, quality healthcare for themselves and their family, access to the best training in the region and much more.
UA Local 529 Jurisdiction
UA Local 529 represents territory covering the Waco, Texas area and the surrounding group of counties. Throughout the jurisdiction, the highly trained and highly skilled members of Local 529 work in all corners of the pipe trades industry.Interested in joining the professionals in the Waco area?

UA 529 Contact Information
- Clyff Curry, Business Manager
- 510 Crescent St., Waco, TX 76705
- Phone 254.754.3471
- Fax 254.754.5744